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I would describe myself as someone who prefers to be out there, soaking in the moment, admiring natural beauty, travelling to new places, all this alone, but wouldn't mind company. Also I have this thing to do something new everyday, refusing to fall into the monotony of life. I am an intern (MBBS) in MGM's medical college in Aurangabad. I always wanted to become a writer and arts attracted me more than science. But being practical and thinking about a career and all set me into this Human science world. Turns out, no matter how hard you try to forget the things u love, it finds a way to ooze out from you in some way eventually. And given in have I, on this inevitable attraction which has commanded me to write this blog ;)

Monday, February 27, 2017

USA 2017

2 weeks to go for my US trip 2017 to get over. I've made a vlog in my Hotel I was staying. It is in one of my google pics albums. You should definitely go there n check it out. Ive made it Casey Neistat style. I even took a few time lapse videos in the parking lot of the hotel. I was supposed to take step 1 before I came here but I couldnt get enough on the NBME mock tests and now I have to take it once I get back to India. I feel I am paralysed. Can't feel joy in daily activities. Can't make connections with people as most of the time I have to stay put and study. It is by far one of the most difficult periods of my life. This struggle will make me the person I will be for the rest of my life. This struggle will define which country bears my future - USA or India. I will be defined by this struggle. I hope there are not many bad days and I see it through. I will be going to see Joel Osteen day after. This would be one of the few moments in your life where you're actually physically present in a place you have watched in TV many times. I wanted to make the most out of my time in Houston.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

51 days to step1

I hope you're reading this after my step1. Right now my goal is 250+ i'm working hard towards it. Maybe not 100% but definitely 90%. Been slow on studies over the past couple of weeks, but thankfuly all that was past. Right now I've got that pace back and I hope to sustain it till the exam date.  I don't want to read this post with a score less than 250. I dont want to be someone who regrets. And I feel two months before exam is a good time to reignite that feeling. It is definitely not the 'it's too late now' stage. I'm living in prospect. Analysing from the retrospect. All I hope is I get that score. And one more thing. What I'm doing, I'm not sad. I'm not slogging so that I can reap happiness in success later. I am happy right now, while working hard. And that's the best thing that has happened to me - learned to have fun in the way. Thank God for that

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


3 things for success:
1) B
Books- read as many bools as possible. Read books about your definition of success and how to get there. Find solutions constantly. 
Concept- 20 ideas
Think you have a task or problem. Like public speaking next week. Will you come up with 20 different ideas to improve public speaking. Imagine applying this to every single problem in your life. What r you wearing, what r you gona eat. 
2) I
You become the 5 ppl you interact with the most. So change ur group. Ppl u talk to should be smarter than u
3) G
WRITE all your goals. Dont just remember. Write. Bring out the problem, discuss it with urself rather than denying it.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Just do it

Ever had a time when you go on and on inside your head about what you want to say and it never comes out. I have realised that it is not that bad once you've said it, regardless of the outcome. In fact, it would have been bad if you didn't say it coz it will be always there in your subconcious that you've never had the guts to try and see what's like on the other side when once the hard part is done.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

7 habits of highly effective people

This book is not cliché self help. It goes that one step beyond, addressing the real problem underneath, quick temporary fixes not in its agenda. Been a while since I posted since I was busy in Step 1 preparation. Trying to give all that I have since I have reached a crucial period where it's do or die. 2 months for Step1 date. I have lots of FA and UW to be done.. first read of course! Trying to divide the time in a day to be able make more in a day. There's a lot of distraction in the library too as there's this CA exam next month. 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

If u want to have anything you've never achieved before, you have to do something you've never done before. And mostly be spontaneous, things will come to you. Another milestone today at age 23. 
If u want to have anything you've never achieved before, you have to do something you've never done before. And mostly be spontaneous, things will come to you. Another milestone today at age 23.